
Automated Testing for Shopify Stores

Published on
January 18, 2022
Mark Lovelady
Sales Engineer
Tessa McDaniel
Marketing Team Lead

Automated testing made with Shopify in mind? You’ve got to be kitten me. But we’re not!

Lots of eCommerce sites are built with Shopify, and all of those need testing! The last thing you want is for your customers to get too frustrated and exit out of that tab to go somewhere else, so your team spends hours on hours testing your site to perfection. Which is understandable, because you want a site that’s easy to navigate for humans, since we assume that’s your target audience (if you’re targeting cats, we can make your site work for them, too!). But in making sure that your site is the best it can be, a lot of time is used up with this rather monotonous task. We’ve already talked about manual vs automated testing in general, but let us tell you a tail about automated testing in relation to Shopify sites.

Why should you test?

This might seem like a bit of a silly question, but it’s an important one! Shopify is one of the most popular platforms for all eCommerce stores and if you work with Shopify, you can usually rest easy that the basic functions will work. But let’s look at this from the perspective of your target audience, and if that’s cats, that works! So, Mittens goes on your site looking for the latest and greatest toy filled with 100% organic catnip. There it is, in all of its mousey glory, but when she clicks on the product, she gets- oh no, an error message! A cat-astrophe! And that might be an error on your end, not Shopify’s, so it’s important to monitor your store’s performance at regular intervals so your users’ experience is pawsitive. Shopify is definitely great, so there are all sorts of new features and apps launching almost daily to help improve cat- I mean, user experience. It’s extremely vital to test the features and apps before adding them to your store, as some might cause collide with existing features you have to cause issues. And when Mittens wants her catnip, she won’t be patient enough to wait for your site to get fixed!

Challenges of automated testing(?)

Our team has been discussing automated testing in Shopify in-depth, mostly because some of our clients were spending too much time on manual testing. Wait, is there such a thing as spending too much time making sure your site is purrfect? Well, when you can work smarter, yes. Whenever we bring up automated testing with someone familiar with it, they'll begin to tell us all the pitfalls of having an automated test platform. Things like "it's slow", "it's hard to maintain", or the fact that most automation tools require extensive technical experience. For normal automated testing tools, these are valid concerns.

Overcoming these challenges with style

Virtuoso really does speed up your testing, saving your team a lot of time and requiring minimal maintenance on your end. When writing automated tests with Virtuoso, you can use plain English (NLP) to author scripts with no technical experience required. These scripts are scalable and can quickly run through a series of actions on your Shopify stores using bots to make sure everything is running to your specifications. Virtuoso's machine learning algorithms continually monitor, learn, and update test content in real-time to self-heal, eliminating the need for test maintenance.

With Virtuoso, you can rest assured that Mittens will remain a loyal customer. And with all browsers and operating systems tested through the cloud, when PC-using Mittens recommends your site to her friend, Whiskers, your site will run perfectly on her Mac, too! Virtuoso is easy-to-use and ensures your team will never, efur spend hours on manual testing again. Get the meowst out of your site and try out Virtuoso! And check out our Shopify-based Webinar!

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