SAP Commerce Cloud

Experience Low-Code/ No-Code SAP Commerce Cloud Test Automation Like Never Before

Are you on the lookout for AI-augmented test automation for your SAP Commerce Cloud systems? Learn how Virtuoso’s simple, scalable solution can boost your ROI, delivering speed, agility, and quality in your testing operations. 

Virtuoso features in application

The Challenge

Modern SAP Commerce Cloud systems are in constant flux, with each release cycle bringing in new updates that have a massive impact on critical business processes and require constant testing. While manual testing and traditional test automation have proved unsuccessful in mitigating risks and ensuring reliability, business teams also face time and resource crunches that delay production and cause quality issues. 

Solve the Top SAP Commerce Cloud Testing Challenges with Virtuoso

Designed for agile teams and the increasing demands made by modern dynamic applications like SAP Commerce Cloud, Virtuoso’s AI-backed low-code/no-code test automation solution enables users to test at every stage of the software development life cycle, so you can simplify and speed up the testing of critical business processes across multiple applications!

Our scalable test automation solution guarantees absolute risk mitigation, reduced testing costs, and agile test execution. 

Codeless Test Automation

End-to-end SAP Commerce Cloud test automation

Codeless Test Automation

Ease of use enabling everyone on the team to author & execute tests

Codeless Test Automation

Ability to scale SAP test automation to boost test execution and innovation

Codeless Test Automation

AI-driven functional and visual testing for the entire SAP Web landscape

Codeless Test Automation

Continuous validation process to ensure that all processes are working as they should

Codeless Test Automation

Comprehensive test automation strategy that gives due focus to validating customized features

It's author, execute, report, maintain.
Click each tab to see how we do it.

Test authoring is no longer a marathon, it’s in-sprint

Author tests and watch a bot validate each step right before your eyes on a headless browser. Let’s talk you through that again. Our bot validates your test as you write it; you know your test is fit for purpose as you write it.

No app, no problem. Create fully executable functional UI tests from requirements or wireframes pr-development.

Execution shouldn't be excruciating

Virtuoso lets you execute tests when you want them, where you want them, and how you want them. Not available to supervise? No problem, simply set up a schedule using intelligent features such as the execution planner.

Then integrate with your CI/CD tool of choice and let the tests run the second the code is done.

What gets reported, gets done

Get an instant, in-depth understanding of your application's state and testing progress. Understand why your test failed with Virtuoso's Root Cause Analysis functionality.

Integrate with your favourite bug tracking or test management solution to fully integrate with your tech stack.

Get self-healing, "mucho" maintainable tests

Don't spend hours looking for changes to selectors or dynamic IDs; let our bots instantly nurse tests back to health, and get tests that behave like your users do.

Self-healing… that works. No more brittle, flaky tests. No more time spent debugging.

See How We Do It

Why Choose Virtuoso? 

Virtuoso enables you to scale test automation across your organization while dealing with dynamic changes across SAP systems and services.

Codeless Test Automation

Reduce test cycle time in-sprint by 50%

Codeless Test Automation

Reduce test maintenance by up to 80%

Codeless Test Automation

Reduce cost per test by 75% with Natural Language Programming-powered test automation

Codeless Test Automation

Complete software testing 3X times faster

Codeless Test Automation

Experience 10X more efficiency in authoring, executing, and maintaining tests

Codeless Test Automation

See time-to-ROI within one quarter, enabling short-term transformative gains