
Virtuoso and MacMillan joint webinar:

Published on
March 23, 2021
Ryan Thornton
VP of Marketing

With so many different approaches, tools, and scare stories how do you ensure that you build a test automation strategy that is fit for the future? Well, Macmillan Learning and Virtuoso went through just that process and are here to help. 

Join us for our joint webinar with MacMillan Learning at times that suit America and Europe.

Tuesday 13th April 2021,

4pm Berlin / 3pm London / 10am New York / 7am LA

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Deciding how to proceed with test automation can be a daunting task. Sure, you know that you are over-reliant on manual tests and that automation will drastically improve the quality of your software, increase your ROI, and will remove that headache of maintaining manual tests. But with so many different approaches, tools, and scare stories how do you ensure that you build a test automation strategy that is fit for the future? Well, Macmillan Learning and Virtuoso went through just that process and are here to help. 

MacMillan Learning provides digital products and services for higher and lifelong education around the globe. The QA team is composed of in-house test consultants supplemented by a specialist test partner and operates across three locations in the US, and in India. 

MacMillan Learning was predominantly relying on manual testing with pockets of Selenium here and there. And if that sound familiar then you will recognise the challenges they were facing:

  • Lead time to automation was taking too long
  • The dynamic nature of the product’s development was creating a growing problem with test maintenance
  • No way to implement in-sprint test automation

Following a rigorous evaluation process, Virtuoso was adopted to meet these challenges, find out how.

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