
What's New Summer 2021

Published on
July 2, 2021
Monique Swanepoel
Content Specialist

The summer days at Virtuoso have been anything but lazy and hazy! Here's your seasonal update on Virtuoso's great new features.

The summer days at Virtuoso have been anything but lazy and hazy! We’ve been working hard to bring you some great new features so grab your lemonade, put on your sunglasses (or rather, blue light filter glasses) and settle in to learn more about snapshot comparison baselines, V-capture, intelligent highlighting of iframe elements, and requirements management. We held a sun fuelled webinar which is available to watch below - handy eh?

Snapshot comparison baselines


The Snapshot comparison feature helps identify visual changes and errors by allowing users to compare screenshots between past and current application versions. Just in time for summer, we’ve added another layer: snapshot comparison baselines. This allows you to select a captured snapshot within an app as the baseline so that in future runs, visual deviations from the baseline snapshot will be caught and brought to your attention. Where deviations are expected, you will be able to select a new snapshot as the baseline. Nifty, right?



Our Chrome browser extension had a makeover - it was fast before, and now it’s even faster! The all-new V-Capture provides a fully integrated experience for capturing user interactions, and all you need to do is install or update your extension. You can find out more about how V-Capture works here.

Data block in test step editor

Surely you’ve heard that less can be more, and that’s exactly why we’ve simplified the data block in the test step editor. Even when multiple data attributes are set, managing step data and understanding its source remains easy. You can gain a better understanding of this by checking out our guide on test step data. Less is more, and easy is best! 

Intelligent highlighting of iframe elements


Elements inside an iframe can cause confusion during test authoring and maintenance. That’s why Virtuoso has added intelligent highlighting of iframe elements in the execution screenshot view, which will automatically correct the position of the highlighted element on the page relative to the browser window. Read more about our advice on dealing with iframes here.

Draft journeys

Nobody’s perfect, and just in case you’re having a non-perfect day while creating journeys, we’ve created a new feature: draft journeys. New journeys are now created as a draft so that you can develop and work on them until they are ready (perfect, perhaps?) and ready to be published. With this new feature, you can also leave the decision to publish a journey to a team member or manager.

Requirement management

Virtuoso knows that excellent testing includes the management of requirements. When requirements are not defined clearly and only embedded within tests, it can be hard to get an overview of what’s happening. That’s why Virtuoso’s summer release includes a dedicated requirement management feature that allows you to add or import requirements and map them to journeys. In fact, you can generate journeys automatically from raw requirements - hey there, automation!

New goal and journey summary screen

New season, better goal and journey summary! We are introducing a new view and experience to the goal summary screen so that you can gain better insights at just the click of your mouse. Clicking on a journey will show its summary, while expanding performance metrics will allow you to review the full breakdown of pages. The detailed view is bringing you more information about journeys, browser logs, performance metrics, and more!

Execution report improvements

We know it’s of utmost importance to know the exact configuration and status of a test execution, so we’ve done some execution report improvements just in time for summer. Enhancements include:

  • More detailed view of the journey executions status
  • Overview of users who launched or cancelled the job
  • The ability to see, manage, and add execution tags from the report itself
  • Overview of all known execution attributes (e.g. environment, bridge, custom data, etc.) 

Find out more about execution reports here.

Summer bonanza!

And that's not all, we still have even more to tell you about:

You can read more about these and other releases in our changelog.

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